Katsuichiro Goda Editor

Dr. Katsuichiro Goda is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Earth Sciences and Statistical & Actuarial Sciences and Canada Research Chair in Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment at Western University, Canada. His research focuses on catastrophic multi-hazard risk management from economic and societal viewpoints. He has extensive expertise in developing natural catastrophe models, applying them to insurance risk quantification, and evaluating communities' socioeconomic vulnerability. Dr. Raffaele De Risi is a is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering at Bristol University, United Kingdom. His research interests are broad and multidisciplinary and cover a wide range of academic fields, including structural reliability, engineering seismology, earthquake engineering, tsunami engineering, and decision-making under uncertainty. He has internationally recognized expertise in developing probabilistic tools for managing risks caused by extreme loads on the built environment. Dr. Aditya Riadi Gusman is a Tsunami Scientist at the GNS Science, New Zealand. He has extensive experience in physical oceanography and the numerical modeling of tsunami generation processes, including those from seismic and non-seismic sources such as submarine landslides and volcanic eruptions. His expertise extends to advanced numerical methods, tsunami sediment transport modeling, and machine learning techniques related to real-time tsunami forecasting and tsunami early warning. Dr. Ioan Nistor is a Professor of Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a coastal and hydraulic engineer researching hazards associated with extreme hydrodynamic and debris loading on infrastructure. His research expertise broadly spans from tsunami impact on infrastructure, extreme wave and flood forces on structures, and dam failure phenomena.