3 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Hossein G. Gilani received his MSc in Chemical Engineering from Bologna University, Italy, in 1982, and his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain, in 1992. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He has served as the Head of Chemical Engineering Department as well as Vice-Dean of Faculty of Engineering in Research.
He is a reviewer for several international journals and a member of the editorial boards of several journals. He has published more than 48 papers in various international research journals and is currently actively engaged in research areas of separation processes using distillation and extraction liquid-liquid, membranes and adsorption, process development, cryogenics, and gas liquefaction processes.
Katia G. Samper is a chemical engineer and is currently in the postgraduate program of chemical systems at the University of Barcelona, Spain.
Reza Khodaparast Haghi is a mechanical engineer and is currently in the postgraduate program of Advanced Control Systems at University of Salford, Manchester, (UK).