Kathryn Gonzales Author

Karen Rayne, PhD is the Executive Director of UNHUSHED. She writes comprehensive sexuality education curricula, books for children, teenagers, and parents, and trains professionals internationally.

Kathryn Gonzales MBA, is the Operations & Programs Director at Out Youth, a Co-Chair of the steering committee for the Central Texas Transgender Health Coalition, the Chair of the board of directors at HavenCon, and a commissioner on the City of Austin's LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission. She has been working in the nonprofit sector, specifically youth advocacy and organizing, for 15 years. She has facilitated state-wide youth lobby days, organized state-wide conferences on LGBTQIA youth leadership and empowerment, and created the Queer Youth Media Project during her time at the Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival. Kathryn's research into the evolutionary importance of storytelling in our everyday lives heavily influences her work and is always seeking out new ways for youth to share their stories with the world.

Anne Passchier, illustrator of TRANS : Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You and Rainbow: A First Book of Pride is an illustrator and designer from The Netherlands. They are currently living in Cleveland, Ohio.