Kathrine Maleq Editor

Abdeljalil Akkari is a professor and the director of the research group on international education at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is also visiting professor at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Abdeljalil Akkari is a regular consultant for UNESCO and other international organizations. He was the Dean of research at the Higher Pedagogical Institute HEP-BEJUNE (Bienne, Switzerland) and assistant professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore, United States). His main experience and major publications include studies on international cooperation, educational planning, multicultural education, teacher training and educational inequalities. His principal research interests are currently centered on teacher education and reforms of educational systems in a comparative and international perspective.    

Kathrine Maleq is a research and teaching fellow at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Previously, she was responsible for the design, coordination, implementation and evaluation of nationwide and regional education for peace programs for an NGO. Her research focuses on Global Citizenship Education, multicultural education, preschool-family collaboration from a cross-cultural perspective and early childhood education in the Global South.