Crusading and Masculinities
3 contributors - Paperback
Natasha R. Hodgson is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History and Director of the CSRC at Nottingham Trent. She wrote Women, Crusading and the Holy Land and is completing Gender and the Crusades for Palgrave Macmillan. She edits Routledge series’ Advances in Crusades Research and Themes in Medieval and Early Modern History and co-edits the journal, Nottingham Medieval Studies.
Katherine J. Lewis is Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Huddersfield. She researches later medieval religious and cultural history. She has published on hagiography and saints’ cults (especially St Katherine of Alexandria), on medieval women, and on masculinity, including Kingship and Masculinity in Late Medieval England.
Matthew M. Mesley is an Associate Lecturer at Bath Spa University and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield. He was formerly a SNSF postdoc at the University of Zürich. His chapter "Chivalry, Masculinity and Sexuality", is published in the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the Crusades.