The Human Comedy, La Comedie Humaine, Volume 4, includes the following books (complete and unabridged) 3 authors - Hardback £52.99 Find out more
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau by Honore de Balzac, Fiction, Classics Honoré de Balzac - Paperback £15.45 Find out more
The Human Comedy, La Comedie Humaine, Volume 2, includes the following books (complete and unabridged) Honore deBalzac - Hardback £53.99 Find out more
The Chouans, and a Passion in the Desert (Dodo Press) Honoré de Balzac - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Christ in Flanders, Melmoth Reconciled, and the Hidden Masterpiece (Dodo Press) Honoré de Balzac - Paperback £6.99 Find out more
The Other Side of War; With the Army of the Potomac. Letters from the Headquarters of the United States Sanitary Commission During the Peninsular Campaign in Virginia in 1862. (Second Edition.). Katharine Prescott Wormeley - Paperback £16.99 Find out more