Katharine Davies Samway Author

Katharine Davies Samway, professor emerita at San José State University, has spent most of her adult life working with and on behalf of English learners, first as a teacher, then as a teacher educator/staff developer and researcher. All of her books focus on English learners, and topics include myths and realities surrounding English learners, linking writing research and practice, strategies for teaching ELs in grades K-8, and cross-age tutoring. Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she was also Director of Teacher Education. She has worked with prospective and practicing teachers, parents, and teacher educators on projects devoted to enhancing the learning opportunities available to multilingual and immigrant children in schools and communities. Laura Alvarez has spent 20 years as a teacher, researcher, and professional development provider focused on supporting bilingual and immigrant students. She currently teaches middle school newcomer students in Oakland, CA and has taught all subjects in grades 4-8 in transitional bilingual, dual language, and sheltered English programs.