Resistance & Recovery in the #MeToo era, Volume I
2 contributors - Hardback
Kate Richmond is Professor of Psychology and Director of Women & Gender Studies at Muhlenberg College, USA. She is widely published in the areas of feminist therapy, gender ideology, masculinity and trauma. Her coauthored undergraduate textbook, Psychology of Women & Gender, was awarded the 2020 Distinguished Publication Award by the Association of Women in Psychology. Dr. Richmond works alongside individuals who are currently or formerly incarcerated to increase access to higher education, reduce mass incarceration, and build healthy communities. Dr. Richmond is also a licensed psychologist and maintains a private practice in Philadelphia, PA.
Nicole L. Johnson is a queer, white, cisgender woman and Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, USA. Her research is dedicated to the exploration and implementation of prevention programming for gender-based violence (e.g., rape, intimate partner violence, violence against individuals with marginalized sexual and gender identities) and the understanding and eradication of rape culture. She is also a licensed psychologist, and her clinical work focuses on the empowerment of survivors of gender-based violence.