The Ghost Ship
Kate Mosse - Paperback
Kate Mosse is an award-winning novelist, playwright, essayist and non-fiction writer. Her ten novels and short-story collections, include The Joubert Family Chronicles (The Burning Chambers, The City of Tears and now The Ghost Ship) – as well as the multi-million selling Languedoc Trilogy (Labyrinth, Sepulchre and Citadel), and number one bestselling Gothic fiction The Winter Ghosts and The Taxidermist’s Daughter. Her highly acclaimed non-fiction includes An Extra Pair of Hands and Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries: How Women (Also) Built the World. The latter was the basis for her recent, highly-acclaimed one-woman theatre show and feature the real-life historical characters who inspired The Ghost Ship. The Founder Director of the Women’s Prize for Fiction and Non-Fiction, Kate is also the Founder of the global #WomanInHistory campaign. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, she is a Visiting Professor of Contemporary Fiction and Creative Writing at the University of Chichester and President of the Festival of Chichester.