Intimate Partner Violence, Risk and Security
4 contributors - Paperback
Kate Fitz-Gibbon is Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre and an Associate Professor in Criminology in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University (Victoria, Australia). She is also an Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Law and Social Justice at University of Liverpool (UK) and a Research Associate of the Research Centre of Violence at West Virginia University (US). Her research examines family violence, femicide, the law of homicide and the impact of criminal law reform across Australian and international jurisdictions. Kate has advised on homicide law reform reviews and family violence inquiries in several Australian and international jurisdictions. Her recent publications include Towards a Global Femicide Index: Counting the costs (2020, Routledge) and The Emerald Handbook on Femicide, Criminology and Social Change (2020, Emerald), both with Sandra Walklate, Jude McCulloch and JaneMaree.
Heather Douglas is a Professor of Law in the Melbourne Law School at the University of Melbourne. Recent research focuses on women’s experience of legal engagement as part of their response to domestic and family violence. Currently, she is exploring the legal response to non-fatal strangulation. She is the project lead on Australia’s National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book and the author of many books and articles on domestic and family violence. Her most recent book is Women, Intimate Partner Violence and the Law (2021, Oxford University Press). Heather was appointed a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law in 2013 and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia in 2017.
JaneMaree Maher is Professor in the Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, Sociology, in the School of Social Sciences at Monash University. Her research two key areas of gendered social science: women’s work, mothering and family, and gendered violences. Current research projects are focused on the impacts of family violence on mothering and intimate partner homicide. She is the author of over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and five books: most recently Towards a Global Femicide Index: Counting the costs (2020, Routledge) with Sandra Walklate, Kate Fitz-Gibbon and Jude McCulloch and Policing Hate Crime: Understanding Communities and Prejudice (Routledge 2017) with Gail Mason, Jude McCulloch, Sharon Pickering, Rebecca Wickes and Carolyn McKay.