Kate Cowan Author & Editor

Dominic Wyse is Professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education at University College London (UCL), Institute of Education (IOE), and Academic Head of the Department of Learning and Leadership. Dominic is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAoSS), an elected member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Council, and a fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). The main focus of Dominic’s research is curriculum and pedagogy. Key areas of work are the teaching of writing, reading and creativity. Dominic has extensive experience of funded research projects which he has disseminated in numerous peer-reviewed research journal articles and books. These include major international research volumes for which he is the lead editor (e.g. The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment), and bestselling books for students, teachers and educators  (e.g. Teaching English, Language and Literacy - 3rd Edition). His most recent book is A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching  (published by SAGE). He has been an editor, and on the editorial board, of internationally recognised research journals. He is currently an editor of the Curriculum Journal, one of the journals of the British Educational Research Association (BERA). Dr. Kate Cowan is a Senior Research Fellow at UCL Institute of Education. Her research explores children′s play and communication from a multimodal perspective, including aspects such as literacy, creativity and digital technologies. Kate’s work also involves developing multimodal methodologies, video-based methods and participatory approaches to research with children. Projects include ′A National Observatory of Children′s Play Experiences During Covid-19′ (funded by the ESRC), ′Playing the Archive: Memory, Community and Mixed Reality Play’ (funded by the EPSRC) and ′Valuing Young Children’s Signs of Learning: Observation and Digital Documentation of Play in Early Years Classrooms’ (funded by the Froebel Trust). Kate has a background in early years teaching and she remains committed to connecting research and practice. In addition to academic publication in books and papers, Kate has written for teachers, students and the general public.