Katarzyna Zysk Editor

Michael Raska is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Military Transformations Programme at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research and teaching focus on theoretical and policy-oriented aspects of military innovation, emerging technologies, and East Asian security and defence.

Katarzyna Zysk is Professor of International Relations and Contemporary History at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo, which is a part of the Norwegian Defence University College in Oslo, Norway. Her research focuses on security, defence, and strategic studies, including Russia’s military strategy and warfare, maritime security and geopolitics in the Arctic, military change, and defence innovation.

Ian Bowers is Associate Professor at the Centre for Joint Operations at the Royal Danish Defence College in Copenhagen. His research focuses on the implications of multi-domain operations for small states, the application of seapower, deterrence, and East Asian security.