Katarina Lončarević Editor

Angeliki Sifaki iscurrently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the Department of Sociology at Newcastle University, UK, working on the project Greek Homonationalism: The Entanglement of Sexual Politics with Issues of Race and Nationalism in the Case of Lesbian and Gay Movements and Queer Activist Groups in Greece (HomoPolitics). She earned her PhD in 2018 from the Graduate Gender Programme of Utrecht University in the Netherlands where she specialised in gender and sexuality studies, education and theories of nationalism. In addition to her PhD project on lesbian teachers in Greece, she has extensive experience as a principal investigator in research projects dealing with ethnic and religious minorities and educational inequalities.

C.L. Quinan is Lecturer in Gender Studies in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Quinan has also held positions at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and the University of California, Berkeley (US). Quinan’s research interests include queer theory, trans studies, postcolonial studies and feminist/queer pedagogy, with work on gender, surveillance and securitisation appearing in several journals and edited volumes. Quinan’s first book is entitled Hybrid Anxieties: Queering the French-Algerian War and its Postcolonial Legacies (2020).

Katarina Lončarević is Assistant Professor of Gender Studies at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade in Serbia. Lončarević is the coordinator of the MA Program in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Political Science (University of Belgrade) and director of the research center, Center for Gender and Politics (Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade). She is the editor-in-chief of Genero: Journal of Feminist Theory and Cultural Studies. Lončarević’s research interests include gender studies, feminist theory, feminist philosophy, feminist pedagogies and feminist periodical studies.