Karthikrajan Senthilnathan Editor & Author

Karthikrajan Senthilnathan was born in 1991. He received his Masters in the field of Power Systems and Engineering from Anna University in 2014 and Under Graduate in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Anna University in 2012. His research interests include Active power filters, Power Quality Enhancement.

Ravi Samikannu is currently working as an Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department in Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana. Ravi Samikannu obtained his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering, from Anna University, Chennai, India. He has a total teaching experience of 14 years at under graduate and post graduate levels. At present 5 Ph.D and 4 Master students are doing research under his supervision. Three Ph.D students and 17 Master students completed their research work under his supervision. He has published 60 research papers in International Journals. He has presented 40 Papers in International and National Conferences, and has received the Best Paper Award two times for his presentation.