Karthikeyan Natarajan Editor

Dr. Swapnila Roy is an Associate Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, Glocal University, Saharanpur, India. Prior to that, she worked as an Assistant Professor in KK University, as a Scientific Assistant in World Bank Funded Project in West Bengal Pollution Control Board, as an Editor in reputed publishing house in Kolkata, a lecturer in Regent Institute of Science and Technology, and an Analytical Chemist in various pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Her primary areas of research mainly focused on defluoridation in wastewater, adsorption methods for remediation, and designing expert tools. She has edited several books, authored 30 reputed journal articles, book chapters, and published in international conferences. She has 2 patents and several more patents are ready to be filed soon. She received a Young Research Excellence Award, International Scientist Award and Researcher Award for outstanding performances. Dr. Tien Anh Tran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Engineering at the Vietnam Maritime University, Haiphong City, Vietnam. He graduated B.Eng. and M.Sc. in Marine Engineering from Vietnam Maritime University, Haiphong City, Vietnam. He received the Ph.D. degree at Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan City, People’s Republic of China in 2018. He has been invited as a speaker and an organization committee member of the international conferences. He is an author/reviewer for the international journals indexed in SCI/SCIE, EI. He works as a Lead Guest Editor and Editor Board Member for various journals. In 2021, he edited the book “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Green Societies”. His current research interest includes Ocean Engineering, Marine Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics, Fuzzy Logic Theory, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Maritime Safety, Risk Management, Simulation and Optimization, System Control Engineering, Renewable Energy and Fuels, etc. Dr. Karthikeyan Natarajan is an Assistant Professor at the National Engineering College in Kovilpatti, which is affiliated with Anna University in Chennai, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Prior to joining NIT Trichy as a Research Scholar, he worked as ad-hoc faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has published articles for high-impact international peer-reviewed journals and edited chapters for books on small wind turbine rotor systems. Small wind turbine rotors, airfoil aerodynamics, horizontal axis wind turbines, and wind energy resource evaluation are some of his research interests.