Model Order Reduction and Applications
4 authors - Paperback
Peter Benner is Director of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems and head of the department “Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory”. Moreover, he is a Professor at the TU Chemnitz and Adjunct Professor at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. He serves on the editorial board of several scientific journals, including Advances in Computational Mathematics and the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications.
Mario Ohlberger is a Full Professor of Applied Mathematics and Managing Director of Applied Mathematics at the University of Münster’s Institute of Analysis and Numerics. He is an Associate Editor of five mathematical journals, including SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. He is a member of the Center for Nonlinear Science, the Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation, and the Cluster of Excellence “Cells in Motion”.
Anthony T. Patera is the Ford Professor of Engineering and a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and Co-Director of the MIT Center for Computational Engineering. His research interests include partial differential equations, computational methods, model order reduction, a posteriori error estimation, and data assimilation. Professor Patera holds SB and SM degrees in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, and a PhD in Applied Mathematics, also from MIT. He served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis from 2003 to 2012.Karsten Urban is a Full Professor of Numerical Mathematics and Director of the Scientific Computing Centre at Ulm University. He is Managing Editor in Chief of Advances in Computational Mathematics and Associate Editor of several mathematical journals, including SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. Further, he is currently directing several interdisciplinary research projects.