Karol Olejniczak Editor

Mita Marra is Associate Professor of Political Economics at the University of Naples in Italy and Visiting Professor of Comparative Public Policy at the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration of the George Washington University (2016-present). Her current research interests revolve around the evaluation of performance-based governance systems within public sector specifically regarding university’s third mission and innovation ecosystems and museums and cultural heritage sites. Dr. Marra has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as American Journal of Evaluation, Evaluation, Systems Research and Behavioral Science and European Urban and Regional Studies. She is Editor in Chief for the international peer-reviewed journal Evaluation and Program Planning (2015-present) and Past President of the Italian Evaluation Association (AIV, 2013-2017).

Karol Olejniczak is Associate Professor of Public Policy at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland, and co-founder of the Polish policy research company, Evaluation for Government Organizations (EGO s.c.). He was an Ostroms' Policy Analysis Workshop fellow (2006), Kosciuszko Foundation fellow (2012), and Fulbright fellow (2021). Dr. Olejniczak’s work focuses on the intersection of policy design and evaluation, and the use of evidence in decision making. In his research and teaching, he utilizes games, experiments, and behavioral design. He has published the six-volume series Ministerstwa Uczace Sie (Learning Ministries), and articles in scientific journals such as the American Journal of Evaluation, Policy Design and Practice, and Policy and Politics.

Arne Paulson pursued a career in international development, working as an economist in a number of international organizations, including the World Bank, UNCTAD (Geneva), the International Energy Agency (Paris), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), from which he retired in 2007. At the IDB, he worked in all aspects of evaluation, including ex-ante economic evaluation, ongoing monitoring of projects in execution, and ex-post evaluation of completed projects financed by the IDB. At the corporate level, he reported on the overall development effectiveness of IDB operations to the bank’s board of directors and at international conferences.