Karlene Rickard Author

Karlene Rickard is a childcare expert who has overcome paralysis in order to write an acclaimed parent's guide to raising happy, well-adjusted children. Karlene began her career as a science teacher and later got involved in community work and counselling. She has worked extensively as a parent facilitator, trainer and counsellor in the UK, USA, Jamaica, Grenada and Trinidad for over 15 years. Her powerful 'Empowerment for Parents' parenting programme is credited with changing lives and creating happier families. Karlene's book, The A to Z of Parenting, deals with parents giving clear and honest feedback to their children and dealing with behavioural challenges. It highlights the value of spending quality time with children, outlines ways to educate them in the early years and focuses on the critical life skills that will carry them through to successful adulthood. Karlene was awarded the Millennium award in 1999 for developing a parenting programme for African Caribbean families Karlene's autobiography, "He Speaks" has been widely read and has spread her message that positive relationship, genuine love and being attuned to the voice of voice of God is essential to build well-balanced adults. She has achieved all of this despite the challenge of living with Multiple Sclerosis.