Karen Sladyk Author

Karen Sladyk, PhD, OTR, FAOTA

Karen Sladyk, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, earned her OT degree from Eastern Michigan University, her MS in community health from Southern Connecticut State University, and her PhD in adult and vocational education from the University of Connecticut. Currently the chair of OT at Bay Path College in Longmeadow, MA, she is part of a faculty that offers both occupational therapy and occupational therapy assisting degrees. This fieldwork book is her eighth book with SLACK Incorporated. All her writing has been specifically designed to help students succeed in occupational therapy programs. When not busy with academic issues, Karen enjoys creative occupations, such as quilting, photography, and crafting. She volunteers at the local animal shelter. She lives in a 154-year-old house, in constant need of upkeep, with her two cats, Oliver and Laura.