Karen Skinazi Author

Annie Atura Bushnell is the associate director of academic programs at the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University. Her recent research explores Jewish women's integration into and determination of white norms of femininity through feminist practice and theory.

Lori Harrison-Kahan is professor of the practice of English at Boston College. She is editor of The Superwoman and Other Writings by Miriam Michelson, co-editor of Heirs of Yesterday by Emma Wolf (both Wayne State University Press) and author of The White Negress: Literature, Minstrelsy, and the Black-Jewish Imaginary.

Ashley Walters is assistant professor of Jewish studies and director of the Pearlstine/Lipov Center for Southern Jewish Culture at the College of Charleston. She teaches courses on modern Jewish history, Jews and the American South, and women's and gender studies.
List of Contributors: Jennifer Glaser, Jessica Kirzane, Josh Lambert, Tahneer Oksman, Rachel Rubinstein, Karen Skinazi, Alex Ullman