Transition into Higher Education
5 authors - Paperback
Marita Grimwood is an educational developer and researcher. Her work on strategic learning and teaching projects in Higher Education spans academic and professional roles, and consultancy. She holds a PhD in English literature and is Senior Adviser for Teaching Fellowships at Advance HE. She researches independently.
Steve McHanwell is Emeritus Professor of Anatomical Sciences in Newcastle University and a National Teaching Fellow. He has had a long-standing interest in parity of esteem and evidencing of teaching having led two working parties in 2011-2013 and again in 2017-2020 making a series of recommendations leading to significant policy changes in this area in Newcastle. He has led workshops in this area in Newcastle and is a frequent speaker and workshop leader for other universities.
Joy Jarvis is currently Professor of Educational Practice at the University of Hertfordshire and a UK National Teaching Fellow. She has experience in a wide range of education contexts and works to create effective learning experiences for students and colleagues. She is particularly interested in the professional learning of those engaged in educational practice in higher education settings and has undertaken a range of projects, working with colleagues locally, nationally and internationally, to develop practice in teaching and leadership of teaching. Joy works with doctoral students exploring aspects of educational practice and encourages them to be adventurous in their methodological approaches and to share their findings in a range of contexts to enable practice change.
Karen Mpamhanga (formerly Karen Smith) is Professor of Higher Education and Professional Learning in the School of Education at the University of Hertfordshire. Her research focuses on how higher education policies and practices impact on those who work and study within universities. Karen has worked within educational development and on lecturer development programmes. She holds a Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and is currently the Director of the University of Hertfordshire’s Professional Doctorate in Education. Karen also leads collaborative research and development in her School, where she engages in externally funded research and evaluation and supports the development of scholarly educational practice through practitioner research.