Karen Kopelson Editor

Bruce Horner is an endowed chair in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Louisville and the author of a number of award-winning and widely-cited books and articles addressing the politics of language and labour in the teaching of composition. These include Cross-Language Relations in Composition (SIU Press), co-edited with Min-Zhan Lu and Paul Kei Matsuda, winner of the 2012 College Composition and Communication Outstanding Book Award; Terms of Work for Composition: A Materialist Critique, winner of the 2001 W. Ross Winterowd Award for the Most Outstanding Book in Composition Theory; and "English Only and U.S. College Composition," (co-authored with John Trimbur), winner of the 2002 College Composition and Communication Richard Braddock Award. Karen Kopelson is an associate professor of English, University Distinguished Teaching Professor, and director of Graduate Studies in English at the University of Louisville. She is the award-winning author of a number of articles exploring the performance or discursive constitution of identities and difference. These include "(Dis)Integrating the Gay/Queer Binary: 'Reconstructed Identity Politics' for a Performative Pedagogy" (College English, 2002); "Rhetoric on the Edge of Cunning; Or, the Performance of Neutrality (Re)Considered As a Composition Pedagogy for Student Resistance" (winner of the 2004 College Composition and Communication Richard Braddock Award); "Tripping Over Our Tropes: Of 'Passing' and Postmodern Subjectivity" (winner of the 2005 James L. Kinneavy Award for best essay in JAC), as well as more recent articles in these journals and others examining discourses of addiction, medicine, and rhetoric and composition's own disciplinarily.