Writing for Publication in Nursing and Healthcare
2 contributors - Paperback
Gavin Henrick has worked with Moodle in business, learning, and development since 2007. Initially, he worked with Moodle partners in Ireland and Canada, USA, UK, where he gained valuable experience, and in 2011, he started his own consulting firm—Learning Technology Services. Through the new company, Gavin currently works on supporting organizations with e-learning projects, including Moodle rollouts, hosting and support tenders, Moodle upgrade strategies and processes, and training and best practice workshops. He is a regular speaker at a number of Moodlemoots and conferences and has organized the UK and Ireland Moodlemoot since 2012. Gavin recently published the book Moodle Add-ons with Michael de Raadt, then the development manager at Moodle HQ. The book provides advice to evaluate add-ons and also helps you identify some great add-ons that will enrich specific aspects of your platform. He also co-authored the book Moodle 2.0 for Business Beginner's Guide with Jason Cole and Jeanne Cole. The book included the key areas that businesses would address in Moodle deployments and included case studies of different implementations. Gavin has published a number of white papers on Moodle 2 Repositories and Moodle 2 Themes. Karen Holland has worked in the programming and technology industry for over 12 years using a range of technologies and languages, including C++, Bash, PHP, CSS, jQuery, XML, SOAP, Git, Symphony, and a number of databases. She has worked as a senior software developer for Learning Technology Services (LTS) for the last 18 months, focusing on the development and implementation of Moodle projects. She has designed and developed plugins and integrations for Moodle and has worked on documenting processes and procedures for use by LTS clients as learning materials. Karen holds a master's in computer science (NL) from University College Dublin. She also holds a post graduate diploma in multimedia and web authoring and a Joint Education Board (JEB) IT Trainer diploma. Karen recently presented a Pecha Kucha on Moodle Administration Tips at the UK/Ireland Moodlemoot in Dublin. She also enjoys singing with the Culwick Choral Society and is an avid tennis and rugby fan!