Karen Hertz Author & Editor

Karen Hertz is is a registered nurse with extensive experience of clinical practice in a wide range of acute hospital settings with a focus on orthopaedic/trauma and orthogeriatric nursing as well as all aspects of adult nursing. She has developed a clinical career in the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner in which she provides patient focused care, using advanced assessments skills and nurse prescribing privileges to provide autonomous clinical practice for patients within a trauma unit in a large University Hospital. She has a track record of national and international networking that includes membership of various boards and committees relevant to her practice and has co-authored several book chapters. 

Dr. Julie Santy-Tomlinson is a registered nurse with clinical interests in orthopaedics and trauma, wound management, tissue viability and nursing care of the older adult. She has worked in nursing education in the UK for over 20 years and currently works at the University of Manchester as a Senior Lecturer where she teaches a broad spectrum of nursing topics. She is also Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing and has authored, co-authored and co-edited numerous journal papers, clinical guidelines, books and book chapters.