Karen Dale Editor & Author

Jeremy Aroles is an Assistant Professor in Organisation Studies at Durham University, UK. His research currently focuses on new ways of working, the management of culture, and the relation between fiction and organizational worlds. His research has notably been published in Organization Science, Management Learning, New Technology, Work and Employment. François-Xavier de Vaujany is Professor of Management & Organization Studies at PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine. His research deals with collaborative practices in open contexts (e.g. open sciences, maker movement, coworking, digital nomads, campus tours, learning expeditions). He has authored or edited eleven books and more than 130 articles, chapters and communications. Karen Dale is Professor of Organisation Studies at Lancaster University. She has researched and written on embodiment, including Anatomising Embodiment and Organisation Theory (2001) and about architecture, space and sociomateriality, including The Spaces of Organisation and the Organisation of Space: Power, Identity and Materiality at Work (co-authored with Gibson Burrell, 2008).