Karel Dobbelaere Editor & Author

Bryan Wilson, the world's leading sociologist of religion, has held visiting Professorships or Fellowships at the universities of Louvain, Toronto, Melbourne, Queensland, and California (Santa Barbara). He was presented with an honorary doctorate by Soka University, Japan in 1985 and was a Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies. In the UK, he studied at Leicester and the London School of Economics (where he gained his Ph.D.) and taught at the University of Leeds (1955-62). He has lived and taught in Oxford since 1962. Karel Dobbelaere lives and works in Belgium, but he was a visiting fellow at All Souls College, Oxford in 1977 and 1990-1 and at the London School of Economics in 1987. He has held visiting posts around the world: in the US, at Union Graduate School, Kent State University, Marquette, Akron, Minnesota, and Loyola; in Sweden, at Lund and Uppsala; in Japan, at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Tokyo, Sophia, and Soka; in The Netherlands, (Tilburg); in Italy (Padova); Germany (Bielefeld); and in Zaire.