Kapil Pant Author

Kapil Pant is an accomplished BPM consultant and Public speaker with extensive experience in Products and Professional Services consulting. He currently manages Wipro Technologies' BPM/SOA practice in Europe, and leads consulting engagements including Business Process Improvement workshops, BPMS and SOA Tools Study & Recommendations, and BPM Architecture, Implementation & Governance. Over the years, Kapil has been extensively involved in conducting successful workshops on Process Improvement, Requirements Analysis, BPM/SOA and Enterprise Architecture for clients in Telecom, Banking, Securities and Insurance industry verticals. He has also worked closely with leading System Integrators such as Wipro, Tata Consulting, HCL and Satyam to conduct technology enablement programs for client projects across industry verticals. As a recognized Public Speaker, Kapil is known for his well-researched programs delivered in his high-energy, enthusiastic, and down-to-earth style. He has presented keynote speeches, workshops, seminars and over 40 road-shows across the Asia Pacific, Europe and the USA. He was also nominated by the Government of India to lead seminars as a part of a 25-member working committee for E-Governance Enterprise Architecture and Standards Taxonomy. He has a Masters Degree in Computer Applications, a Bachelors Degree in Business Studies, and a TOGAF Certification. Kapil presently lives in Hampshire, UK with his wife and enjoys blogging in his free time. Matjaz B. Juric holds a Ph.D. in computer and information science. He is Full Professor at the university and head of the Cloud Computing and SOA Competence Centre. Matjaz is Java Champion and Oracle ACE Director. He has more than 15 years of work experience. He has authored/coauthored Business Process Driven SOA using BPMN and BPEL, Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (English and French editions), BPEL Cookbook: Best Practices for SOA-based integration and composite applications development (award for best SOA book in 2007 by SOA World Journal), SOA Approach to Integration, Professional J2EE EAI, Professional EJB, J2EE Design Patterns Applied, and .NET Serialization Handbook. He has published chapters in More Java Gems (Cambridge University Press) and in Technology Supporting Business Solutions (Nova Science Publishers). He has also published in journals and magazines, such as SOA World Journal, Web Services Journal, Java Developer's Journal, Java Report, Java World, eai Journal, theserverside.com, OTN, ACM journals, and presented at conferences such as OOPSLA, Java Development, XML Europe, OOW, SCI, and others. He is a reviewer, program committee member, and conference organizer. Matjaz has been involved in several large-scale projects. In cooperation with IBM Java Technology Centre, he worked on performance analysis and optimization of RMI-IIOP, integral part of the Java platform. Matjaz is also a member of the BPEL Advisory Board.