Global Governance in a World of Change
3 contributors - Paperback
Michael N. Barnett is University Professor of International Affairs and Political Science at the George Washington University. His previously published books include Rules for the World: International Organizations in World Politics (co-authored with Martha Finnemore, 2004) which won several prizes, and Power in Global Governance (co-edited with Raymond Duvall, Cambridge University Press, 2004). Jon Pevehouse is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in Political Science and Public Policy. His research interests are in the field of international relations and political methodology. He is the recipient of the Karl Deutsch Award and multiple teaching awards. He served as the editor of International Organization. Kal Raustiala is the Promise Institute Professor of Comparative and International Law at UCLA School of Law and Director of the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations. His previously books include Does the Constitution Follow the Flag? (2009) and The Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments (co-edited with David G. Victor and Eugene B. Skolnikoff, 1998).