Kaisa Matschoss Author

Mikko Rask is Adjunct Professor and Principal Investigator at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Saulė Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė is Senior Researcher at Vilnius University, Lithuania, and a Policy Adviser for the Republic of Lithuania on innovation, research and education, and an Expert of the European Commission.

Loreta Tauginienė is Researcher in Ethics Management and Head of the Academic Ethics Centre at Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.

Vytautas Dikčius is Professor at Vilnius University Business School (VUBS), Lithuania.

Kaisa Matschoss is Adjunct Professor at the University of Eastern Finland, and works as a university researcher at the Consumer Society Research Centre at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Timo Aarrevaara is a Professor of Public Management at the University of Lapland, Finland.

Luciano d’Andrea is a sociologist who has been working on issues at the cross roads of social dynamics, economics and technological transformation.