Kaira Prez Aguada Author

Kaira Prez Aguada: I was born on December 14, 2005, at 5:00 p.m. My name was chosen by my parents. Kaira: Goddess of Jupiter. Origin: Greek. Kaira also meant Grace (divine) and it was like the city Cairo in Egypt. I love animals, plants, music, reading, writing, drawing, creating interesting things, searching the Internet, and watching movies. Also travelling and seeing other places and people. And what I like the most is playing and sharing experiences with my friends.

Nac un 14 de diciembre en el ao 2005, a las 17:00 hs. Mi nombre lo eligieron mis padres. Nombre Kaira: Diosa de Jpiter. Origen: griego. Kaira Kaira Prez Aguada is a young writer and illustrator. She has written and illustrated multiple books, including Dos gatosmaravillosos and La luz en la oscuridad. Kaira Prez Aguada is a young writer and illustrator, born in 2005. She has created multiple books, including Dos gatos maravillosos and La luz en la oscuridad.