Kai Qian Author & Editor

Mr. Richard Allen is currently a Lead Architect at Genuine Parts Company. His previous positions include Research Engineer at Georgia Tech Research Institute and Software Engineer at Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems. He has many years experience in Java Web and enterprise application development including Ajax applications. He is co-author of the textbook “Java Web Development Illuminated” with Jones and Bartlett. Richard has a Master of Science degree in Software Engineering. Dr. Kai Qian is a professor of computer science & software engineering department at Southern Polytechnic State University. He received the Ph.D. of computer science and engineering from University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1990. He has taught “Software Architecture and Design” courses in the undergraduate and graduate levels for years. He is the author of the textbook “Component-Oriented Programming” with Wiley & Sons, and “Java Web Application Illuminated” with Jones and Bartlett. He has published many journal and conference papers in the areas of software architecture and design, component-based software engineering, distributed computing, and computer vision. Dr Lixin Tao, IEEE senior member, professor of computer science at Pace university in New York. He completed his Ph.D in computer science from University of Pennsylvania in 1988. His research area covers internet computing, CBSE, parallel and distributed computing. He was architect of large scale software projects for IBM. Dr. Xiang Fu is an assistant professor at Hofstra University. He received his Ph.D in computer science from University of California at Santa Barbara in 2004. He taught software engineering courses and published extensively in software verifications and Web services areas.