K Shivanna Author

Dr. S. Chidambaram, Reader, Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University is an expert in the field of groundwater resource management especially on its quality, sources and evolution (isotope hydrogeology). He is a university gold medalist in the UG and PG courses. He received DST young scientist project and best paper award on drinking water supply in SAARC countries. He has got several ongoing and has completed numerous projects on hydrogeochemistry, F contamination and Isotope from various governmental agencies like DST, MOEN and F, UGC, BRNS, etc. He has produced 3 PhDs. and 12 publications in reputed referred journals in his field of expertise. He has visited and worked in Russia for his groundwater research collaborative projects. He is doing numerous collaborative research with institutes like BARC, NIH, NGRI, JNU other universities and institutions in India and abroad. Dr. AL. Ramanathan is a Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and New Delhi, India. His research area is in the field of hydrogeochemistry from inland and coastal surface and groundwater and their resource management. He has got 18 yrs of teaching experience (PG) and research experience in this subject. He has taught in numerous universities in India and abroad. He has guided quite a number of Ph.D. research students on groundwater quality and modelling aspects. He has widely travelled all over the world for the advanced research work in groundwater. He is also a recipient of various international and national scholarship and had collaborations with institutes and universities reputed in groundwater research in India and abroad. He has published two dozen articles in reputed refereed journals and authored five books in these aspects. He has completed and continuing his research work on groundwater got from Indian and international agencies. Dr. K. Shivanna, Head, Isotope Hydrology Section, Isotope Applications Division of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Associate Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, BARC, has made outstanding contribution in the field of isotope hydrology for the last 30 years. He is a specialist in the field of isotope hydrology, hydrogeology and hydrochemistry for water resources development and management and internationally known in isotope hydrology. He served as a UNDP/IAEA regional expert in the field of water resources development in African countries and national co-coordinator for geothermal systems under IAEA/RCA program. He has authored over 80 scientific publications. Dr. R. Arthur James, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli has 15 years experience in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Quality Control (QC) analysis and Environmental Audit. He has conducted detailed geological surveys and environmental audit for various projects. He has published nearly 35 papers in reputed national and international journals. Dr. James is the recipient of Young Scientist (2006), Young Investigator (2007) and Indian Academy's summer fellowship (2008) awards. He has been serving as board of studies member and resource person for various academic bodies.