K Meenakshi Sundaram Author

K. Meenakshi Sundaram holds a Master’s Degree from Andhra University in nuclear physics with specialization in theoretical nuclear physics. He joined ONGC India in 1976 and held several key positions in G&G before retiring in 2012 as Executive Director (Geophysics). He has 19 years of experience in log data acquisition and 17 years of experience in reservoir characterization through logs. He has co-authored 28 technical papers on different subjects including image log interpretation NMR applications, geo-mechanics, and mineralogy, grain size and permeability prediction from logs. He has also guided eight M.Tech. dissertation projects. Soumyajit Mukherjee, PhD, is a Professor of Geology at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. He has been serving as an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Earth Sciences. His research and editorial experience span 14 years and he has authored and edited 16 books and special volumes. He has been a guest researcher at the Hans Ramberg Tectonic Lab, Uppsala University in 2005-2006. He is the Series Editor of the Elsevier book series Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics.