Jytte Agergaard Editor

Jytte Agergaard is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. Much of her research has focused on Nepal where she has carried out extensive fieldwork for research on various aspects of social development including gender inequalities, migration and mobility dynamics/patterns and education. She has also been concerned with recent trends in human geography, especially current trends in social geography and geographies of globalisation. She is a member of a number of networks on development research in Denmark and abroad.

Niels Fold is Professor at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. He has recently participated in a research programme on globalisation and economic restructuring in Africa, in which he worked on global agro-industrial chains with relevance for perennial crops in Ghana (cocoa, oil palm, shea nuts). Previously Niels has worked on industrial development in Malaysia, both on upgrading processes in the palm oil industry and on local industrialisation trajectories (Penang). His current research interests include a comparison of the dynamics of cross-continental food commodity chains.

Katherine V. Gough is a British trained geographer who is employed as Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen. Her main research focus is urbanisation in developing countries with a focus on urban land and housing markets, urban governance and civil society, home-based enterprises and urban youth. Her principle research areas are Latin America and West Africa, especially Ghana where she has been mainly working in the peri-urban area of Accra. As part of a comparative project on urban youth she will conduct research in Hanoi in spring 2004. Katherine works in an advisory capacity to Danida on urban issues and together with Cecilia Tacoli has run a workshop for Danida employees on rural-urban linkages.