Justin P Steil Editor

Justin P. Steil is an Associate Professor of Law and Urban Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the coeditor of The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, andOpportunity and Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice.
Nicholas F. Kelly is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he works on affordable housing and public policy, with a particular focus on segregation and urban politics. Previously, he worked at the New York City Economic Development Corporation and for U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.
Lawrence J. Vale is Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning and Ford Professor of Urban Design and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of After the Projects: Public Housing Redevelopment and the Governance of the Poorest Americans and several other prize-winning books about low-income housing.
Maia S. Woluchem is a graduate of the Masters in City Planning program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and currently serves as a Technology Fellow at the Ford Foundation, focused on the intersection of civic engagement, structural democracy, and emergent technology. She was previously a researcher at the Urban Institute.