Justin H G Williams Editor

Sally J. Rogers, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the MIND Institute, University of California, Davis. Her work in autism represents a lifetime interest in developmental disabilities. Dr. Rogers's research on imitation in autism grew out of her clinical and research experiences while Professor of Psychiatry at JFK Partners at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. She was intrigued by the puzzling lack of normal mirroring and coordination with others' movements, gestures, and emotional displays that she experienced during interactions with children and adults with autism. This set in motion a line of studies focused on imitation problems in autism, and the creation of interventions to promote social responsivity and communication development.

Justin H. G. Williams, MRCPsych, commenced his scientific career in 1993, studying ecology and evolutionary biology before pursuing postgraduate training in psychiatry. He specialized in child psychiatry and moved to Scotland, where he started working with Andrew Whiten and David Perrett from the University of St. Andrews. Together, they considered the relationship of imitation to autism at a time when mirror neurons were a new phenomenon. In 2000 Dr. Williams became Senior Lecturer in Child Psychiatry, University of Aberdeen, where he has developed a research program to understand the neural substrate of autism. He also serves as Honorary Consultant in Child Psychiatry at Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital.