Judicial Review of Administrative Discretion in the Administrative State
3 contributors - Paperback
Rob van Gestel is Professor of Law at Law School, Universiteit van Tilburg, The Netherlands. He was visiting Professor at the Academy of Legal Theory of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Brussels, Professor of methodology of legal research at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and Braudel Fellow of the European University Institute in Florence, Chairman of the Dutch Association of Legislation and member of the International Association of Legislation. He has recently published: Rob van Gestel, Hans Micklitz and Ed Rubin (eds.), Rethinking Legal Scholarship: A Transatlantic Dialogue (Cambridge, 2017), and articles in the European Law Journal, Common Market Law Review, European Public Law, Cambridge International Law Journal, Legal Studies. Jurgen de Poorter is Professor of Administrative Law at Universiteit van Tilburg, The Netherlands and deputy Judge in the District Court of The Hague. From 2005 until 2018 he was a special advisor to the Dutch Council of State, in particular to the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State. He has recently published on methods of judicial lawmaking, judicial review of evidence based legislation and judicial dialogues in the European Union.