Junie T Tong Author

Dr Junie T. Tong is Director of Studies and Lecturer in Finance at the Centre for Teaching in Management, Birmingham, UK. She is an ex-investment banker and was Associate Director of Swiss Bank Corporation International. She has been working in the field of finance for over two decades and gained her PhD in Business from the University of Buckingham. Dr Tong has focused on interdisciplinary research and her Finance-in-Society Model integrates finance with considerations relating to the wider economy, society and philosophy. She spent eight years working and living in China. She chaired the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focus group of both the British Chamber of Commerce and EU Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai for the year of 2010. In addition she has worked and lived in a number of leading international cities and such experience has provided her with multicultural understanding underpinning both Western and Eastern perspectives. Whilst working in financial consulting in China, Dr Tong was a visiting professor at the School of Economics at Jilin University and at the Management School of Dalian University of Technology. She was the founder of Catalyst Foundation Ltd., which is a not-for-profit microfinance organization empowering disadvantaged women workers in both urban and rural China.