Julius Grower Editor

William Day is a Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge and a barrister at 3 Verulam Buildings, London. His research interests are in commercial law generally and particularly in the fields of economic torts, contract law, the law of restitution and private international law, which overlap with his areas of practice. At Cambridge, William teaches contract, tort and commercial law at undergraduate level and on the advanced private law paper on the LLM. Julius Grower is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Oxford and Ann Smart Fellow and Tutor in Law at St Hugh's College, Oxford. He was, until 2022, Yates Glazebrook Fellow in Law at Jesus College, Cambridge and an Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on equity, and in particular its role within the law of obligations, and he has published articles on the law of fiduciaries, the law of agency, and constructive trusts. At Oxford, Julius teaches trusts law, contract law, commercial law, and the law of succession.