Julius Davis Editor & Author

Julius Davis is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development at Bowie State University. His research critically examines Black students’ mathematics experiences and how policies shape their experiences. His research also focuses on Black mathematics teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge, academic and professional experiences, and policies that shape their praxis, and critical race theory permeates throughout his scholarship.

Christopher C. Jett is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics at the University of West Georgia (UWG) in Carrollton, GA. In 2017, he became the first African American to earn tenure in UWG’s College of Science and Mathematics. His research investigates the experiences of high-achieving African American male STEM majors at different institution types coupling critical race theory with qualitative methods. His current research project has been funded via the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. Dr. Jett’s research utilizing critical race theory has been published in the Journal of Black Studies, the Journal of UrbanMathematics Education, Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, and the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (in press).He is the 2019 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Early Career awardee, and he has a host of other distinguished accomplishments as an emerging mathematics education scholar.