The Art of the Illustrated Book (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Julius Bryant - Hardback
Julius Bryant is Keeper of Word & Image at the V&A, responsible for the National Art Library, and for Prints, Drawings, Paintings and Photographs. Among the major exhibitions he has co-curated are James 'Athenian' Stuart, 1713 - 1788: The Rediscovery of Antiquity (V&A and Bard Graduate Center, 2007); Art and Design for All: The Victoria and Albert Museum (Bonn, 2011) and William Kent: Designing Georgian Britain (Bard Graduate Center and V&A, 2013). He is author of Alec Cobbe: Designs for Historic Interiors (V&A, 2014). Dr Rowan Watson is Senior Curator for the National Art Library's special collections and teaches on the History of the Book MA at the University of London. He curated the V&A exhibition Blood on Paper: The Art of the Book (2008) and is author of Western Illuminated Manuscripts (V&A, 2011). Elizabeth James is the Senior Librarian for collections and documentation at the National Art Library. She curated the V&A displays Certain Trees: The Constructed Book, Poem and Object (2008) and Private Eye: The First 50 Years (2011) and is author of The Victoria and Albert Museum: A Bibliography and Exhibition Chronology, 1852 - 1996 (1998)