The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility
3 contributors - Paperback
Steve May is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also currently a Leadership Fellow at the Institute for the Arts and the Humanities and an Ethics Fellow at the Parr Ethics Center, and serves as an ethics researcher and consultant for the Ethics at Work program at Duke University's Kenan Institute for Ethics. His most recent books include Case Studies in Organizational Communication: Ethical Perspectives and Practices and Engaging Organizational Communication Theory and Research: Multiple Perspectives. He is a past forum editor of Management Communication Quarterly. George Cheney is Pforessor of Communication at the University of Utah, where he also serves as Director of Peace and Conflict Studies. In addition, he is Adjunct Professor of Management Communication at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Cheney has authored, co-authored, or co-edited five books and he had published over 75 journal articles and book chapters. Recognized for both teaching and research, he has lectured, conducted research, and consulted in Western Europe and Latin America, in addition to the United States and New Zealand. He is a past chair of the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association and is a reviews editor for Organization. Juliet Roper is Professor of Management Communication at the Waikato Management School, University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. She is currently the Sustainability Convenor for the Waikato Management School and representative for the school's membership in the European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS). She is co-author of The Politics of Representation: Election Campaigning and Proportional Representation, and has published articles in many journals, including the Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, the Journal of Applied Communication Research,and the Journal of Public Affairs and Corporate Governance.