Julien Malaurent Editor & Author

Nathalie Mitev was associate professor at the London School of Economics. She focuses on in-depth qualitative and critical research on the organizational aspects of information systems. She has published in a range of journals and is co-editor of ‘Materiality and Space’, ‘Materiality and Time’, ‘Materiality, Rules and Regulation’ and ‘Materiality and Managerial Techniques’, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Jeremy Aroles is an Assistant Professor in Organization Studies at Durham University, UK. His research focuses on the emergence of new ways of working, the management of cultural institutions, and the relation between fiction and organizational worlds. His research has notable been published in Organization Science, Management Learning and New Technology, Work and Employment.

Kathleen Stephenson is an Assistant Professor of Organization Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL where she also earned her PhD in 2019. Kathleen was a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool Management School. Her research examines organizational space, organizational change and maintenance, and power. You can find her work in the Academy of Management Annals.

Julien Malaurent is Associate Professor of Information Systems at ESSEC since 2013. His research is published in top journals such as Journal of Management of Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information technology. He is also Senior Editor for the Information Systems Journal. His latest research analyzes, from a phenomenological and ontological lens, digital transformation processes happening at the societal level.