Julie Vullnetari Editor & Author

Russell King is Professor of Geography in the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, and Visiting Professor in Migration Studies at Malmö University. His research interests range widely across the general field of Migration Studies, and include special interests and research projects on return migration, social integration, remittances, gender, international retirement migration and international student migration. In terms of regions, the main focus has been on Europe, the Mediterranean and the Balkan areas. Maja Povrzanović Frykman is Professor of Ethnology at the Department of Global Political Studies at Malmö University, affiliated to the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare. Her migration-related research focuses on concepts and practices in the domains of diaspora and transnationalism, highly skilled migrants, and material practices. Julie Vullnetari is Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Southampton. She holds a DPhil in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex where she also worked as a post-doctoral research fellow for several years. Her research interests span a range of migration-related areas such as the dynamics of development, intersectionality, ageing and care.