Sex Work, Immigration and Social Difference
Julie Ham - Paperback
Sharon Pickering is a Professor of Criminology and Head of Social Sciences at Monash University. She is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow on Border Policing and Director of the Border Observatory (www.borderobservatory.org). Her work on publishing scholarly work on asylum in the national media was awarded the Australian Human Rights Award in 2012. Professor Pickering recently co-authored a book with Leanne Weber called Globalization and Borders: Deaths at the Global Frontier, which documented and analysed over 40, 000 border related deaths in Europe, North America and Australia. It recently won the C.M. Alder Prize for best book by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology.
Julie Ham is a doctoral student in criminology at Monash University and an associate of the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW). Her doctoral research explores how the regulation of sex work and migration shapes sex workers’ security, mobility and agency. Since 2003, she has worked with community-based research projects working with and for women in sex work, immigrant and refugee populations, women substance users, low-income populations, and anti-violence organisations. She has published on the impact of anti-trafficking measures on sex workers’ rights, feminist participatory action research, and activist efforts by trafficking survivors, sex workers and domestic workers.