Takahe Maths
Julie Ellis - Paperback
Erica Borgstrom is a medical anthropologist currently based at the Open University, UK. Her teaching and research focuses on death and dying, with a particular emphasis on end-of-life care. For the past six years she has researched how end-of-life care policy in England is shaping healthcare practice and how this relates (or not) to people's experiences of care and everyday life. Julie Ellis is a Research Associate in the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her primary research interests are in the areas of identity, material culture and personal relationships at the end of life. She is currently working on a research project which explores the impact of visual technology on traditional foetal and neonatal autopsy practices. Kate Woodthorpe is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Bath, UK. She is the editor of Death and Social Policy in Challenging Times (with Foster, 2016), and The Matter of Death: Space, place and materiality (with Hockey and Komaromy, 2010). Her research interests include funeral practices and the question of familial obligation. She is the editor of the Mortality journal.