Answers from the Other Side
Julie Ann Tyso - Paperback
Julie Ann Tyso felt a connection with the spirit world from early childhood and knew instinctively that we are more than our physical bodies and that there was a spirit body within. She was always searching for answers: what happens when we die? What does the afterlife look like? Are we reborn? It took her a while to accept that she could remember past lives and that what she was seeing and hearing was in fact spiritual beings attempting to communicate with her and answer some of her questions.
Julie spent over 20 years working as an academic in a UK university and in such an evidence-based environment, it is not easy to tell colleagues that you are a medium. However, learning about the spirit world has been a lifelong passion and just the right teachers, books or experiences seemed to appear, as if by magic, to enhance that learning. Eventually the opportunity arose to leave traditional academia behind and see where the spirit world would take her.
The idea to channel a book directly from spirit came quite suddenly. She woke up one morning and felt compelled to sit at a computer and write. The speed at which the answers came, helped to convince her that they were not coming from her subconscious but were being channelled from a spirit called Battrick. Through a question-and-answer session that took place over several months, Julie’s first book, “Answers from the Other Side”, was born.