Julia Schüler Author & Editor

Julia Schüler is Professor of Sport Psychology at the University of Konstanz (Constance, Germany). Her research and teaching focuses is on motivational and volitional processes that explain and predict health- and performance-oriented sports. For her, among the most interesting phenomena are intrinsic motivation, motive conflicts, self-control, as well as the relationship between sport and stress. 

Mirko Wegner is a Professor of Health Science at the University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany). His research focuses on processes of motivation and self-regulation in the context of performance, school, and health sports as well as the experiential and behavioral consequences of physical activity. He is particularly interested in unconscious behavioral and experiential processes in the context of sport and movement and their psychophysiological correlates.

Henning Plessner is Professor of Sport Psychology at the University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany). His research focuses on judgements and decisions in sport, the social psychology of sport, and the psychology of intuition. He is particularly interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the processes underlying spontaneous and deliberate behavior.

Robert C. Eklund is the Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of Sport Psychology, and Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Advancement at Florida State University (Tallahassee Florida USA). His primary research focus is on athlete motivation and experiential states (i.e., Flow, Burnout) but he has also published extensively on self-perceptions, self-beliefs, and self-presentation in sport as well as the return to athletic competition following serious injury.