Julia Kristeva is Director, Ecole Doctoral: Langues, Litteratures et Civilisations, Universite Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, France.
Melanie Klein
Julia Kristeva - Paperback
Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language
Julia Kristeva - Hardback
Teresa, My Love
The Severed Head
Intimate Revolt
The Sense and Non-Sense of Revolt
Anish Kapoor: Painting
5 authors - Hardback
Revolt, She Said
Crisis of the European Subject
This Incredible Need to Believe
Murder in Byzantium
Powers of Horror
The Enchanted Clock
Dostoyevsky in the Face of Death
Hannah Arendt
Desire in Language
Strangers to Ourselves
Hatred and Forgiveness
Language: The Unknown
Passions of Our Time