Julia Gollub Author

Diana Panke holds the Chair in `Multi-Level Governance’ at University of Freiburg and is the PI of the research project 'Nested Games: Regional Organisations in International Organisations'. Her research interests include international negotiations, comparative regionalism, small states in international affairs, multilateral diplomacy, international norms, institutional design, European Union politics as well as compliance and legalisation. In these fields, she has published several monographs and journal articles in outlets such as Review of International Organizations, International Political Science Review, European Journal of International Relations, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Comparative Political Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European Integration, Palgrave, ECPR Press, and Manchester University Press. Christoph Hönnige is Professor of Comparative and German Politics at Leibniz University Hannover. He was previously Professor of German Politics at the University of Göttingen, Assistant Professor of Comparative and German Politics at the University of Kaiserslautern. He received his PhD from the University of Potsdam and his MA from the University of Konstanz. His research interests include legislative politics in Europe, constitutional courts in comparative perspective, administrative reforms in Germany, and comparative public policies. He specialises in the analysis of the impact of preferences and institutional rules on individual and group behaviour as well as policy outcomes. His peer-reviewed publications include the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, European Political Science, Regional and Federal Studies, and German Politics. He has won several research grants and is convener of the Standing Group on Law and Politics of the ECPR. Julia Gollub is program manager at the Stifterverband. Previously, she has worked as program manager at the Volkswagen Foundation and as research associate at the University of Göttingen. She studied European Studies and International Relations at Maastricht University, Aristotle University Thessaloniki and University College Dublin.